In-story sidebars give publishers yet another tool to show readers context or highlight their best posts.
These sidebars exist in individual posts, and are easy to create and re-use.
Here's one example:
How To Create a Sidebar:
1. In WordPress or Drupal, look for the Sidebar icon in the Visual Editor.
In WordPress, there is also a button in the text editor labeled "Contextly Sidebar"
In Drupal, look for the sidebar button in the Visual Editor you use:
2. Put the cursor where you would like the sidebar to be inserted. Dont' worry you can easily move it later.
3. Press the Sidebar button.
4. Creation:
a) To create a new Sidebar, choose some posts or other content. This can be from your own site or from other sites. To choose content from other sites use the Web tab. You may also cut-and-paste links.
b) To re-use a sidebar you created for a different post, click the text Sidebar Library.
You can then "clone" an existing sidebar. Changes you make to the clone will not effect the previous sidebar.
5) Decide on the layout:
a) You can give your sidebar a title. (optional)
b) You can add some text in the description field. No HTML is allowed at this time. It will be stripped out. (optional)
c) You can choose if the sidebar goes on the left side of the post, the right, or run all the way across the post. Left is the default.
6) Press save on the sidebar. Save your post. You can then preview it.
7) You may move the sidebar or edit it.
a) Moving the sidebar:
In WordPress, simply cut-and-paste the shortcode and move it where you like. Make sure the sidebar is on it's own new line to prevent formatting changes to the neighboring text.
In Drupal, simply drag the sidebar box where you want it to display.
b) Editing the sidebar: Simply press the sidebar button. This will give you the option to Edit Existing Sidebars. Choose the one you want to edit and make what changes you like.